A few days ago

when ever you hear a sudden or loud sound you ears ring inside.?

so what do you say that effect on ears?some words like ringing and what the best words?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Karen C

Favorite Answer

It’s called “Tinnitus” and there is a therapy called TRT, Tinnitus Retraining Therapy available thru audiologists, developed by Neurologist, Dr. Jasterboff at Emery-Riddle University which utilizes white-noise sound generators worn in the ears for a period of about 18 months. It worked wonders for my husband, who also had hyperacusis (sensitivity to sound). He’s a musician who thought his career was over and was next to being suicidal… He’s now back to playing live music and recording. Have I answered your question? A lot of people have ringing in the ears and most people are able to just ignore it, and it just goes away…

4 years ago

A few days ago
The noise was so sudden and such a suprise. It was deafening, in a way that waves of shock from the sound beat at my ears with an incessant ring…I guess that might work.