A few days ago
Humphrey Beato

What would a Hyperthetical question be?

As opposed to Hypothetical question…

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Well… If you look at the word roots…

The prefix hyper- means ‘more than’ or ‘beyond’.

The root -thes- has to do with statements and ideas.

And the suffix -ical simply denotes an adjective.

So the word ‘hyperthetical’, if there were such a word, would mean something along the lines of ‘of or relating to transcending statements or ideas’…

A ‘hypterthetical’ question, then, would be one that addresses issues that pertain to more than just ideas or statements… maybe a question about action??


A few days ago
I don’t know about a hyperthetical, but a hypothetical,

Is a question that I suppose that something is true, or I presume, so I will ask you a hypothetical question.