A few days ago
marc j

What will i do with morons, 1 will ask a stupid quest., and the other will answer a stupid ans. too, waaaaaaaa

You see, i was waiting for a ride when two individuals were talking to each other, the st guy asked the 2nd guy what the difference of iran and iraq is. Then the 2nd guy said, Iraq is bigger than a stone, while Iran is what he does when a dog runs after him. What a world…………..

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

… and here you are AGAIN, with the same silly thing.



4 years ago
They assume to no longer get stupid solutions because of the fact stupid solutions are against the guidelines. So, of direction, are stupid questions, yet they would not care approximately that section. in reality, those styles of questions possibly fall into a number of categories: Trolls (who positioned as much as GET stupid solutions, merely so they are able to checklist them), people who do no longer understand the guidelines (and posting chatty or stupid questions as a result) and those that comprehend the guidelines — and don’t care. Your recommendations are a number of: checklist, forget approximately approximately, or answer. the 1st decision is powerful, because it cleans the area; the 1st 2 are risk-free; the third is thoroughly risky, as you will usually get pronounced, and for valid motives.

A few days ago
Free Thinker
It is worth 2 points! Call the waaaaaaaambulance

A few days ago
Yinzer Power
That’s as may be, but I have a question for you:

Can you smell what Iraq is cookin’?

You gotta get away from those two jabronis.


A few days ago
A really stupid moron asks the same stupid question three times…

A few days ago
Beam me up Scotti,to many loonies down here