A few days ago
~~leader of the bad girlz~~

What should I go too?

I’m trying to learn German but I don’t know how to pronounce some German words. What should I go to on the internet where a person will pronounce the word for you? With the English word by it.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Most German pronunciations are quite simple and very literal.

Remember this

W is always pronounced as a V

V is always pronounced like an F

When you get the letters ie together they are pronounced like ee

When you get ei together they are pronounced like eye

When a word starts with S like stein (stone) it is pronounced shtine

When you see an umlaut (two little dots) over a vowel it changes the sound so

Letter a in a word like vater (father) is pronounced like faater

An umlaut over the a as in the word spat (Umlaut over a but not on my keyboard) makes the word sound like shpate

Umlaut over e or i is not seen

Umlaut over letter o makes it sound like er as in horen (to hear) pronounced heren

Umlaut over u is a strange one. Try saying ee with your mouth in a shape as if saying oo

Hope that helps.


A few days ago
You should probably learn English first, then search German word pronunciation and see what comes up.

Or you could go to your local library and borrow a CD/Tape based learning program.

Or you could enroll in a local community college German class


A few days ago
Nothing on the Internet that I know of. I have seen something called the RosettaStone advertised that will surely help you with German. Check them out on the Internet and see if it is right for you of find someone who speaks German.

A few days ago
Try this site. You can download language lists and they pronounce words for you.



A few days ago
just try to type; english word for ——–. in you space bar and see what you get.