A few days ago

What’s your Slogan?

No cheating and no making it up please

Just go to http://thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan.cgi and “git ‘er done”

Here’s some with my different “nicks”

Watch Out, There’s a @)~~shad~~(@ About.

You’re Never Alone with a Shadow Rai’.

Look For The A H Shadow Rai’ Label.

New Thinking. New Lisa.

You’ve Got Questions. We’ve Got @)~~shad~~(@.

Get Patrice or Get Out.

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Lisa Patrice Allen Brown.

Get The @)~~shad~~(@ Out.

If You Like A Lot Of Ahsr69 On Your Biscuit, Join Our Club.

You’ve Always Got Time For Ahsr.

A Smooth-Running @)~~shad~~(@ is a Relaxing Experience.

Keep That Ahsha Complexion.

The Shad For All Ages.

Don’t Get Mad, Get Shad.

Give the Dog a @)~~shad~~(@.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Here’s mine:

Promise Her Anything, But Give Her Plasmajosh.

Get the Door – It’s Plasmajosh.

We’re Serious About Plasmajosh.

Come to Life. Come to Plasmajosh.

There’s Only One Plasmajosh.


A few days ago
An Army Of Socktopusacorn


Fill It To The Rim With Sex


A few days ago
I use to go by No Expectations No Dissapointments

Now I go by The Best Things In Life Are Free!


A few days ago
Kate J
It’s from my mom, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” I guess she’s right. I always have hated this little plaque she’s got in her kitchen that says, ” When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” I have never gotten that and probably never will. Translated, to me it means” When life sucks, take all the suckability of it and try to make something of it.”

A few days ago
I always said don’t mess with the depressed. That was wneh I was going through a crappy time in my life. I just wanted an excuse to get people to listen to me then. Hey it worked though cuz then they asked if I was depressed.

A few days ago
I only have the one I’ve used since I was 16. It’s the one I have on my avatar.

Pretty to look at. Nice to hold.

Touch me again, You’ll never grow old.

(without permission, that is)


A few days ago
Crumbling Beauty
“Some of us prefer illusion to despair.”

-borrowed from Nelson Muntz

I went to the slogan generator you linked (they’re terrible!), and they hooked me up with “have illusion your way.” Weird!

Edit: I get it now; you have to use a funny word!

“Snap! Crackle! Wiener!”

“Because I’m worth chlamydia.”


A few days ago
I know several of them

from my parents just do the

best you can. My aunt says

winning is not important its having fun


A few days ago
No joke! I put in my favorit word… Dragon! And here is what came up with!

Happiness is Dragon-Shaped.

That is what SHE tells me all the time LOL!


A few days ago
Always ready for anything
Long soothing and musclar legs @ ~~shad”s~~