A few days ago

What’s the answer to these rhyming clues? 20 Points!?

The clues require a two-word answer that rhymes.

For example:

Idiot love god = Stupid Cupid

1. Cryptic explosion

2. Fecund amphibian

3. Pretty bird treat stalker

4. Opposing heathen

5. Aggie mystic

6. Cosby pitchman

The first to get all six of these correct will get 20 points.

I will post an extra phantom question in your name for you to receive best answer – twice.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

tomb boom

fertle turtle

cracker tracker

*contrarian barbarian*

farmer charmer

*jello fellow*


A few days ago
Last Blast

Bog Frog

Cracker tracker

Adversarian Barbarian

Farmer charmer

Jello Sello


A few days ago
caroline ♥♥♥♥♥
code explode

fruit newt

cracker tracker

ante anti