A few days ago

What is the meaning of fascinate?

Can you define and give example of an fascinating person?thanks! The best answer gets 10 pt.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

fas·ci·nate [fássə nàyt]

(past and past participle fas·ci·nat·ed, present participle fas·ci·nat·ing, 3rd person present singular fas·ci·nates)


1. vti captivate: to hold somebody’s attention completely or irresistibly

2. vt immobilize somebody or something: to make somebody or something unable to move, especially out of fear

[Late 16th century. < Latin fascinat- , past participle of fascinare "bewitch" < fascinum "spell, witchcraft"] -fas·ci·nat·ed·ly, , adverb -fas·ci·na·tor, , noun *a fascinating person is someone whom you are attracted with like an actor, artist, etc.


4 years ago
The Meaning Of Fascinate

5 years ago
It means that you fascinate him, and that he’s drawn to you….. He’s attracted to you, in other words..

A few days ago
Stupiddumdum D
someone or something interesting or unique e.g. Beethoven was fascinating because he was a great composer even though he was deaf.