A few days ago

what is the meaning of cold blooded animals?

what is the meaning of cold blooded animals?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Any animals (especially reptiles) that must sun themselves or require a heat lamp when kept in captivity are referred to as


This term is used in a popular fashion, for some creatures when talking about temperament – horses are sometimes referred to as being hot-blooded(such as thoroughbreds) warm-blooded(Thoroughbred-crosses and some other types) cold-blooded(such as drafts- not because they are mean, but because they are so complacent).

And, then there are the “cold-blooded killer(s), who seem possess no remorse. Probably the best and more accurate term for the last would be “socio-path”.


A few days ago
caroline ♥♥♥♥♥
Cold-blooded organisms maintain their body temperatures in ways different from mammals and birds. The term is now outdated in scientific contexts. Cold-blooded creatures were, initially, presumed to be incapable of maintaining their body temperatures at all. They were presumed to be “slaves” to their environments. Whatever the environmental temperature was, so too was their body temperature. Cold-blooded animals are now called ectotherms, for the term cold-blooded is misleading.

Since that time, advances in the study of how creatures maintain their internal temperatures (termed: Thermophysiology) have shown that many of the earlier notions of what the terms “warm-blooded” and “cold-blooded” mean, were far from accurate (see below: breaking down cold-bloodedness). Today scientists realize that body temperature types are not a simple matter of black and white. Most creatures fit more in line with a graded spectrum from one extreme (cold-blooded) to another (warm-blooded).


A few days ago
reptiles are an example of a cold blooded animal. their blood is the temperature of the outside air temperature – not like humans ( warm blooded) whose internal temperature is pretty much 98.6 degrees F. no matter what.)

A few days ago
these are animals that can change their body temperature the same as their environment. they do not have a constant body temperature like us so they can survive in extreme conditions which we otherwise may not be able to

A few days ago
animals whose body temperature is not internally regulated