A few days ago

What is the meaning of a mole under the right eye?

Is there any superstitious belief or meanings for a mole under the right eye?!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Well…back in the Georgian era, when it was fashionable to paint moles onto the face or use tiny black silk patches as moles (often in whimsical shapes), anything on the right side of the face meant you were married, and if the mole was placed on the crest of the cheekbone, then I believe it meant that one was observant.

However, I’m not sure if there is any significance for one placed lower on the cheek directly under the eye. There is no superstitious belief attached that I am aware of, either.


A few days ago
Wrong category.

A beauty mark or beauty spot is a dark facial mole that some people consider attractive, usually when it is within about an inch of the upper lip or around the eyes, and is subdermal so that it does not protrude from the skin. Other moles may also be scattered around the body, but are not generally considered beauty spots.

False beauty spots can be applied to the face as a form of make-up. Beauty marks were particularly highly regarded during the 18th century and creating false ones became common, often in fanciful shapes such as hearts. Marilyn Monroe’s beauty mark generated a new vogue for them during the twentieth century. In recent years, fashion model Cindy Crawford’s prominent mole has helped revive the look.

Jennifer Love Hewitt and Robert DeNiro both have moles under their right eyes. Julia Roberts has one under both eyes.


5 years ago
personally i think that’s some superstitious crap. i agree with alex

A few days ago
you’ve come to the right place! I was the man who coined the term!! I will tell you what it means right now:

It means…

Woops! There’s my train, gotta run!!!