A few days ago

what is the difference between amphiboly and accent?

what is the difference between amphiboly and accent?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Amphibology or amphiboly (from the Greek amphibolia) is an ambiguous grammatical structure in a sentence.

An example:

I once shot an elephant in my pajamas.

A famous quotation by Groucho Marx from the comedic film Animal Crackers, it is unclear if the speaker shot the elephant while wearing pajamas or if the elephant was in the speaker’s pajamas.

Accent is the pronunciation characteristic of a particular group of people relative to another group, or the term used to describe a stress on a syllable

An example: potato (poe-tay-toe or poe–tah-toe…)


5 years ago
No not really. Personally I find it rather easy to not the difference between English, Scots, and Irish, and because one line of My family came from Wales 4 generations, I can recognize a Welsh Accent. I have difficultly with the regional accents within England. Most Americans can’t tell an Australian accent for an English one. There are many regional accents in American, The New England accent is different from the Boston one. There are at least 4 regional accepts in New York. The Southern Accents differ by states. There are Mid-Western accents, Chicago Accents, Western Accents and the accents on the West coast differ between California, Oregon and Washington.