A few days ago

What does this word mean sclerotic,is it a noun & how can it be used in a sentence??

My mom saw it in a newspaper the Chicago Suntimes . I have looked through my sites to find a meaning. Even Dictionary.com couldn’t come up with it,not Ask.com. I wondering if it is a real word.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
♂ ♫ Timberwolf

Favorite Answer

Sclerotic: (adj./adv.) Having become inflexible, rigid.

Also used in biology/medicine to describe tissue such as arterial walls that have become rigid.

Examples: The Republican Party has become sclerotic from too many years in power.

His arteries have become sclerotic from cholesterol plaque that has built up in them.


A few days ago


Affected or marked by sclerosis.

Anatomy. Of or relating to the sclera.

Medical Dictionary

scle·rot·ic (sklə-rŏt’Ä­k)


Affected or marked by sclerosis.

Of or relating to the sclera of the eye.

The adjective sclerotic has 2 meanings:

Meaning #1: relating to or having sclerosis; hardened

Synonym: sclerosed

Pertains to noun: sclerosis (meaning #1)

Meaning #2: of or relating to the sclera of the eyeball

Pertains to noun: sclera (meaning #1)

Sclerotic rings are rings of bone found in the eyes of several groups of vertebrate animals, except for mammals and crocodilians.They can be made up of single bones or small bones together.They are believed to have a role in supporting the eye, especially in animals whose eyes are not spherical, or who live underwater


A few days ago
The sclera is a membrane covering something else, such as the white sclera over the eye. The word “sclerotic” simply means something having to do with a sclera. If you talk about sclerosis (such as multiple sclerosis), then you’re referring to a hardening of that tissue, so that it no longer functions properly.

A few days ago
Sclerotic means to harden. As in atherosclerosis, this means when the cholesterol in the blood hardens and forms a plaque on the vessels in your body. Hope this helps.

A few days ago


1. relating to or having sclerosis; hardened; “a sclerotic patient”

2. of or relating to the sclera of the eyeball; “sclerotic tissue”


A few days ago
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