A few days ago

What does the word ‘gummy’ mean as in ‘gummy bear’, is gumby a variation of gummy?

What does the word ‘gummy’ mean as in ‘gummy bear’, is gumby a variation of gummy?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Lisa B

Favorite Answer

Gummy bears started out in Germany, where they were known as “Gummi” or “rubber” bears. It has nothing to do with gumby. It just means that they are chewy. Chewing gum is called “Kau [chewing] gummi [rubber]” in German, so you can imagine how come those bears that start out like chewing gum before they soften up are called “Gummi”.

A few days ago

1. of, resembling, or of the consistency of gum; viscid; mucilaginous.

2. covered with or clogged by gum or sticky matter.

3. exuding gum.

gummy bears are usually chewy, so Im guessing thats where viscid and mucilaginous come into play…as far as Gumby the cartoon character goes, Im not sure, but he did look like clay or something sticky, and that could easily fit the definition, but the definition according to dictionary.com is as follows:


/guhm’bee/ n. [from a class of Monty Python characters, poss. with some influence from the 1960s claymation character] 1. An act of minor but conspicuous stupidity, often in `gumby maneuver’ or `pull a gumby’. 2. [NRL] n. A bureaucrat, or other technical incompetent who impedes the progress of real work. 3. adj. Relating to things typically associated with people in sense 2. (e.g. “Ran would be writing code, but Richard gave him gumby work that’s due on Friday”, or, “Dammit! Travel screwed up my plane tickets. I have to go out on gumby patrol.”)


A few days ago
Thank you Lisa B. That’s right. And if I recall, the German Gummi Bears were a lot firmer and more rubbery than the ones sold in the US now.

A few days ago
Tom S
from the word jelly I think and plastic developments like candy bars

A few days ago
Ashlyn Ash
something like chewy?

A few days ago