A few days ago

What does the expression “talk to the hand” mean and what does it refer to ?

I think it is from a show, but I’m not sure.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A character says it in the movie “The Terminator.” If you say it, it means that you’re not listening to whatever the person is saying, and basically, it means that speaking to a hand would be just as effective.

A few days ago
It’s a form of rejecting whatever someone just said. It’s like when you don’t want to hear what someone says so you tell them to “talk to the hand”. It is an arrogant and childish term used mostly by young girls 8-13.

A few days ago
If someone turns their back to you during a discussion or a debate and holds up their hand to you, and says “Talk to the hand”, it means they’re probably frustrated, aggravated, or just fed up with arguing.

A few days ago
Darth Eugene Vader
Others have said it.

Funny in PR when we are taliking with a friend and we see that the he/she is not paying attention to us, we bring up our hand pointing our index finger up at the level of our eyes, then looking to our finger say “Querido dedo…” (Dear finger…).

It is done to show the other person, in a funny way, that we noticed he/she is not paying attention to us and we have choosen to talk to our finger instead.

Funny, right? It is better than say “Hey, listen to me !”


A few days ago
Basically, if someone says it to you, it means that they don’t want to talk to you.

A few days ago
It means the person doesn’t want to hear what you have to say.Or they disagree with you.