A few days ago

What does Necropheliac mean?

Yeah, I know, I’m an idiot. Now can someone tell me what it mean. Please?! Thank you.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Angel of Chaos

Favorite Answer

it means u have sex with dead ppl! gross

A few days ago
No, you ain’t an idiot, most people would not have the occasion to know what is a “necrophiliac”.

And yes, your answerers gave you the correct meaning.

I will give you this limerick I heard in school that taught me the words “miserly necrophiliac” :-).

There was a man from Belgrave

Who hid a dead whore in a cave

He said , “I’ll admit

I’m a bit of a sh*t

But think of the money I save”.


A few days ago
Necrophilia, also called thanatophilia and necrolagnia, is a paraphilia characterized by a sexual attraction to corpses.

1. The necrophile develops poor self-esteem, perhaps due in part to a significant loss. He (usually male) is very fearful of rejection by women and he desires a sexual object who is incapable of rejecting him; and/or He is fearful of the dead, and transforms his fear of the dead—by means of reaction formation—into a desire for the dead.

2. He develops an exciting fantasy of sex with a corpse, sometimes after exposure to a corpse.


A few days ago
Starjumper the R&S Cow
Oooo, ooo, I know this one. Necro (dead) Philiac (friend). Somebody who finds dead bodies attractive so to speak. Like Brandon. LOL.

A few days ago
Ask Brandon (Bill Carson). This is his area of expertise.

A few days ago
it’s someone that likes to have sex with corpses.