A few days ago

What does it mean when someone writes XD?

My freind wanted me to post this. A lot of people leave comments ending with XD, or have XD somewhere in them. I have no idea what it means, and no one I know knows what it means. If someone can help, please do!!! The website is deviantart.com and I mostly see it on things relating to Sonic. If you get a chance, check out my freinds page at, sonrioz125.deviantart.com.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Acetic Acid

Favorite Answer

It’s an emoticon that essentially means the person is laughing hysterically. The X is a symbol of the poster’s eyes closed tightly. The D is the poster’s mouth, open widely, laughing. It is a stronger, more exaggerated way of posting “Lol!”

A few days ago
Or, it could mean that they have a digital camera made by Olympus or Fuji (which both take xD cards).

probably not tho’ ๐Ÿ™‚


A few days ago
its a laughing face

A few days ago
or it could mean cross dressed

probably not tho’ ๐Ÿ™‚