A few days ago

What does it mean when someone says she has “an immutable sense of who she was”?

the question is from my writing hw x)

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

immutable means not subject to change

A few days ago
cuteboy s
well immutable means not changing in simple words

so as the question is about your writing the person who said so might be saying you that after a lot saying you might not have changed your style of writing.


A few days ago
Well, immutable means unchangeable.

If you mean “was” in the sense of who she used to be, that’s pretty normal. If you mean who she “is”; having fixed ideas about that is very limiting indeed.


A few days ago
She knows who she is and she can’t keep that hidden. She wont be someone other than who she is even if she is told to act a different way.

A few days ago
An unchangeable sense of who she is. Unshakeable. Strong, etc.