A few days ago

What does it mean to you, to travel on the edge? I need some creative writing help…?

Whether it is a word, a sentence, or a paragraph….please tell me what you think it means to Travel on the Edge. Thanks!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Ollie’s Mommy

Favorite Answer

To travel on the edge to me means that you are doing something completely out of the ordinary for you and taking a chance at something different.

A few days ago
I believe that traveling on the edge is in essence saying that you are traveling open road with no plans. In terms of local…just getting in your car and going where ever the road takes you. No plans, no maps…just you and the open road. Going places you never dreamed of going and meeting a whole new world along the way.

A few days ago
The Dalai Farmer
I would have thought that it meant that if you deviate even a tiny bit from the correct path you will fall badly awry.

Travelling at the limit of safety, adventure and comfort?

Or maybe you are travelling, literally, in a place like Iraq?

Need a bit more really to make sense of this.


A few days ago
j b
To travel on the edge is to “Go off the beaten path”