A few days ago
will walker

What does “get in someone’s hair” mean?

My English teacher asked us to make up a story by using the phrase “get in someone’s hair”. I’ve never heard of this one. So can you please tell me what does it mean?

Thank you so much!

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

means to be all up in their grill, yo!

in other words..means to be in their way, annoying them, etc.


A few days ago
It means annoy somebody. Like when some one says Will you get out of my hair!…my mom uses that phrase when ever we are bugging her about something.

A few days ago
The phrase “get in someone’s hair” means to get all up in their face and just literally annoy them and bother them.

*Good luck on your story*


A few days ago
Bother them, bug them. Similar to getting on someone’s back. I believe it comes from the old fear of birds/bats getting in your hair and having trouble getting them out.

For example: Stay at home mothers love the beginning of the school year because it gets their children out of their hair. Working mothers hardly notice the difference since they never get time off.


A few days ago
To get in their way or annoy them when they dont want to be bothered.

However, if it is an english writing assignment, i would go ‘out of the box’ with it.

Example: My friend had to do one about “Why did the chicken cross the road?” and she made it about this child who was being bullied and pressured into crossing the road on this own.


A few days ago
Think of a person that won’t leave you alone, won’t stop bugging you, or is being a general nuisance or too much responsibility. Like a piece of gum stuck in your hair that’s hard to remove.

That’s a person getting in your hair.


A few days ago
It means that you are annoying because you are around her too much. There is a famous (very) old movie/musical named “South Pacific” that contains a song sung by a woman about “…washing that man out of her hair”. Maybe you could watch it.

A few days ago
♪♫Piano Lover♫♪
I think that it means to annoy someone. I’m not completely sure, but that’s what I’ve always heard it referenced to. Good luck!!

A few days ago
It can mean involved or irritated.

We would tell our kids, “get outta’ my hair” (quit bothering me).

There used to be a commercial for shampoo that sang, “gonna’ wash that guy right outta’ my hair”.


A few days ago
It means making a pest of yourself. I always think of how bats tend to get in people’s hair whenever I hear it. LOOK OUT!!! THERE GOES ANOTHER ONE!!!

A few days ago
Annoy someone