A few days ago

What does “’bout the mouth” mean?

“As our transaction proceeds, I ask him all gregariouslike, what news of Empire or the king- may he rot with gangrene and trench mouth. And then guess what? Neil leaned forward, going all rerious ’bout the mouth, and said that word is going around…”

Does it refer to the king?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Mr. Vincent Van Jessup

Favorite Answer

Context is the key here. “all serious ’bout the mouth” means the set of his jaw and his lips changed as his communication shifted from playful or devil-may-care to grave and serious. It’s really easy to visualize a person doing that.

A few days ago
According to the bible, our mouths get us into a lot of trouble. And it really does. Once words come out of it, you can’t take them back. It means to fight against your mouth, your words unspoken. My advice, adding to this phrase is, chew on your words for a while until you’re ready to release them.

A few days ago
“around the mouth”

could be describing movement (in this passage)

like frowning or twitching? Or better yet whatever the symptoms of “trench mouth” would be?