A few days ago

What does “beehive activity” implies in this sentence?

“There is a beehive activity in this kitchen: some frying, some chopping, some washing and cleaning the utensils…”

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A “beehive of activity” means a well organised group working as a team to get the job done.

The same way bees work together for the survival of the colony or hive.


A few days ago
“Beehive activity” implies that the scene was very busy and that everyone involved did their job as part of a team till all was finished. Busy as a bee.

A few days ago
It s a comparison to the activity in the Kitchen that the sentence is referring to, as the activity is in a bee hive.”Very Busy”all for a” common cause”.

5 years ago
You have to first know what a word means before you can use it intelligently. Implied means that something is being suggested — but not explicitly stated. People usually imply statements when they feel like saying them but decide not to actually say them. Perhaps they hope that someone else will understand what they really mean if they just give a hint — without having to actually say it. For example, ‘She implied that her boyfriend smelled bad when she offered to buy him some deodorant.’

A few days ago
“a great amount”

note that the sentence should be…

There is a beehive of activity in this kitchen…


A few days ago
Jupiter the spark
in a beehive, all the bees WORK TOGETHER to save honey….it is the meaning of beehive activity and use it in your sentance….

A few days ago
A lot of seemingly frenzied activity, but there is order, and everyone has his, or her, specific job to do.

A few days ago
Drama queen
High level of organisation and division of labour/ forces.

A few days ago
Every one is busy doing his job.