A few days ago

What do you think the abbreviation RSVP actually stands for?

Being from the South, I was raised that it means: Respond, sie vou ple’. I may not have spelled it properly for French. Sorry about that. But it generally is put on invitations and not a lot of people actually know what it means.

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Wow thanks for putting this question up! I never even paid attention to what it meant. I found this:

‘RSVP is an abbreviation for the French phrase “Respondez S’il Vous Plait.” In English, RSVP stands for “Reply Please!”‘

You were pretty close in your spelling! Thanks again now I know what it means.


A few days ago
You’re absolutely correct about it being French, and the literal meaning is “respond if you please.” I think the correct spelling is “Respondez si vous plait,” but don’t quote me on that because I don’t speak French. 🙂

And on an invitation, it means that the host is asking you to respond whether or not you plan to attend.


A few days ago
RSVP=repondez s’il vous plait. It’s a french expression which literally means reply please. On an invitation it tells the invitee that a reply is needed if he/she wishes to attend and by when a reply is needed.

A few days ago
I think it actually stands for Reservation Protocol or the French version that you said here it is spelled correctly Répondez S’il Vous Plaît ,French: Please Reply

A few days ago
It stands for “Respondez s’il vous plait,”, French for “Please reply.” Typically used in invitations as a specific request to inform the host whether you are planning to attend.

A few days ago
It a French phrase – Répondez S’il Vous Plaît (French: Please Reply)

A few days ago
Navigator is right. Literally–and I mean that literally–it means ‘respond if you please.’