A few days ago

What do I say to my boyfriend?

Would like people with good writing skills, writers, teachers to answer this. I want to tell my boyfriend in a not demanding way that I get upset if hes on the phone with another friend that’s a girl and he stays on phone with them. Sometimes he’ll say he will call back in 10 min and its not till 30 min later. I wnat toi tell him that I dont understand why he just cant tell the other friend his girlfriend is on phone and will call them back tomorrow. I do not want to seem demanding but I want to tell him I want to feel like priority to him. Also want to tell him that he can talk to me about anything as I get hurt when he calls up others to talk about his problems and want him to know Im always there for him, please reply ASAP as to what exactly to put into words in AT least 3 or 4 sentences ina nice way thats sweet but to the point. Only post of you can write a few sentences as to what to tell him that this bothers me, thanks

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Try being open and honest with him using your own words and feelings they are better than what anyone else can tell you to say. Let him know that you are not jealous but feel unwanted or unimportant perhaps maybe you could compramise by asking him to talk to them at a later time if what you need to tell him is important other wise you don’t mind waiting. Just let him know that you are feeling a little unsecure in your relationship and tell him what you need from him. Don’t be pushy by demanding things of him. If there is no compramising in a relationship then the relationship is doomed to failure. IF possible try seeking the advice of a relationship/marriage counsoler.

A few days ago
Do you want to be his girlfriend or his counsellor?

Maybe he is calling up his friends to talk to them about you! Just because you think you love someone, doesn’t mean that they should share their heart and soul with you.Some people are much better listeners than others and it is up to him to decide who he unburdens to.

You should try telling him you’ll ring at 6 and call back 4 hours later. He does this because he knows you will be hanging off the phone just waiting for him to call back. You will put your life on hold so you don’t miss that call … whenever that will be!

Don’t be such a doormat!

He doesn’t tell the other friend it is you on the phone because he doesn’t WANT to tell them! Why should he call them back just because you have rung him? If he was speaking to them first, it is up to you to call back when he is not on the phone..

You need to realise that he may be your priority but it doesn’t seem as though you are up there on the top of his list.


A few days ago
I would suggest that he leaves as soon as possible and moves as far away as humanly possible as well.

You sound like a control freak to me and somewhat of an insecure and soon to be insanely jealous and overbearing.

Maybe you need therapy.


A few days ago
Tell him you leaving him. If he says Fine. Then you have your answer.