A few days ago

What are the definitions for a homonym, an antonym, and a synonym?????

hey i need a definition for a hononym, an antonym and a synoniym……

plz help…..

test tomorrow………

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
Bert M

Favorite Answer

A homonym

…. is one of a group of words that share the same spelling or pronunciation (or both) but have different meanings. The state of being a homonym is called homonymy. Examples of homonyms are stalk (which can mean either part of a plant or to follow someone around) and the trio of words to, too and two (actually, to, to, too, too and two, being “for the purpose of” as in “to make it easier”, the opposite of “from”, also, excessively, and “2”, respectively). Some sources state that homonym meanings must be unrelated in origin (rather than just different). Thus right (correct) and right (opposed to left) would be polysemous (see below) and not be homonyms.

An antonym…

is a word or term which is opposite to another, such as flammable and non-flammable, as opposed to synonymous (ie, two words or terms having the same or nearly the same meaning, such as joyful and glad).

A synonym …

two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context Example: lawyer = attorney.

Good Luck


4 years ago
Synonyms Antonyms Homonyms

A few days ago
A homonym is two words with the same prononciation, but different meanings

An antonym is two words that have opposite meanings

A synonym is two words that have the same meaning

A homophone is two or a group of letters with the same sound

homonym – sight, cite

synonym – happy, glad

antonym – upset, cheerful

homophone – civil, song (“c” and “s” have the same sound)


A few days ago
homonym- a word the same as another in sound and spelling but different in meaning.

antonym- a word opposite in meaning to another. Fast is an antonym of slow.

synonym- a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another.


6 years ago
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What are the definitions for a homonym, an antonym, and a synonym?????
hey i need a definition for a hononym, an antonym and a synoniym……

plz help…..

test tomorrow………


A few days ago
Homonym – a word from a group of words that share the same spelling or pronunciation (or both) but have different meanings

Example: to, too, two; tear (like to rip) & tear (like when you cry)

Antonym – opposite words

Example: big & small

Synonym – same words

Example: big & large


A few days ago
Homonym – a word that sounds like another (sail, sale)

antonym – opposites ( far, near)

synonym – similar (near, close)


A few days ago
homonym: same sound, different meaning

antonym: opposite meaning

synonym: similar meaning


A few days ago
Ugly Betty is NOT Ugly™
homonym- words that have similar spelling and sound the same but dont ahve to mean the same thing

synonym words that have the same meanings but aren’t spelled or said the same way

antnyms are opposites of a particular word

hop i helped


A few days ago
Homonyms are words that have the same spelling but mean different things: such as present/present in this sentence- “I present you with this present.”

Antonyms are words that are opposite such as light and dark.

Synonyms are words that are the same such as car and automobile.