A few days ago

What are some words and terms that are different in English as opposed to American English?

Please give terms or phrases and their explanations and definitions. Not looking for words with alternate spellings.

For instance, “pissed” in American English means ‘really mad or upset’ while in English slang it’s accounted as meaning ‘extremely drunk.’

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A f-g in England refers to a cigarette. Yahoo censored my A.

A few days ago
Hood in England is a part of some coats that covers your head when it’s raining. In the USA I think it’s the area where you live, or a gansta or the bonnet of a car.

A few days ago
Lift in Britain means an elevator, and in US means to pick up

F@g in Britain means a cigarette, and in US is derogatory for gay

Head in Britain means a toilet, and in US means…brain holder:-)

Chips in Britain mean french fries, and in US mean potato chips

there are many more, but I will have to respond again later. I can’t remember them all!


A few days ago
here’s a site with cockney english to regular english.



A few days ago
pissed, means in my contry;; to urinate on someone or some-where;; ”’angry in american lan; means to be mad in my cont;; it means vextacion;;;;;; a store a grocery store or a department store in american lang is a store in my contry is a shop.;;; refrigerator in american lang in my lang; is a ice box.. take care ;; peace –out.

A few days ago
“shag” dance and sex…..”bonnet” hat and hood of car….”bobbie” name of person and policeman…..”