A few days ago

What are some slang terms for the sternoclavicular articulated joint?

What are some slang terms for the recessed area below the throat, where the two clavicles meet above the sternum (the two collar bones meet above the breastbone)?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

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As far as I know, there is none. And I am pretty sure that I am correct about this.

The term ‘Breast Bone’ in the lay person’s reference to the Sternum (which is an actual bone that is located between both breast and attached to the first 7 ribs or so, thus, the name ‘Breast Bone’) but there is “NO” slang term for the articulation which you are referring to – the Sternoclavicular Articulated Joint


Breast Bone = Sternum (which is a bone in itself)

The Sternoclavicular Articulated Joint does ‘NOT” have a slang name. In addition, it is the articulation of the ‘Breast Bone’ and the ‘Collar Bone’ (the articular between the Sternum and the Clavicle, technically said).

In addition, when you use the term Sternoclavicular, you do not use the term Articulated Joint because that is redundant.


A few days ago
Way back in Colonial New England ’twas known on women as”Ye Olde Locket Pocket”

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