A few days ago

what are sense verbs?

please give me their meaning and examples

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
J t

Favorite Answer

I can only assume that you are referring to verbs connected with the senses such as look/seem, feel, taste, sound, smell. These verbs, along with the verb “to be “, belong to a group known as linking or cupola verbs. They are commonly used in descriptive sentences such as “The pizza tasted delicious” or “That sounds great”, where the syntax of adjective followed by noun (attributive)is reversed (predicative). Hence there are two possible positions for the adjective : The big book or the book looks big.

By the way after reading the answer by Trish the Dish I should add that she forgot that “well” can be used as an adjective meaning “healthy/ in good condition”, so it is perfectly correct to say that someone looks well if you mean that they appear to be healthy.


A few days ago
Trish the Dish
The following verbs require adjective modifiers:

sound look smell taste feel seem

These verbs are all “sense verbs,” or verbs that describe someone’s sensation or feeling or perception. Unlike other verbs, they require adjective, not adverb, modifiers.

*same here

Incorrect: The strawberry shortcake tastes deliciously.

Correct: The strawberry shortcake tastes delicious.

Sense verbs convey personal opinions, thoughts, and perceptions in an inherently subjective manner – that is, they describe someone’s personal experience. The sentence “The strawberry shortcake tastes delicious” has essentially the same meaning as “The strawberry shortcake tastes delicious to me” or “I think the strawberry shortcake tastes delicious.” Because each sentence describes the attributes of the shortcake as seen through the eyes (and mouth) of an observer, each sentence should use the same version of the modifier: the delicious shortcake. Another way to approach this sentence is to think about it as a sandwich. When a sense verb is sandwiched between a noun and a modifier, the modifier should always agree with the noun.

Some sense verb modifiers are commonly misused in speech. Be especially careful with these: just because they sound right doesn’t mean they are right. Sometimes these errors arise from the misinterpretation of a popular grammar rule. Here’s a common example:

After she returned from the three-week vacation, she looked very well.

How many times have you heard someone say, “He looks well”? It probably sounds fine, but in fact, this sentence is a comment on the visual abilities of the man in question; it means something like, “He’s skilled at looking.” Pretty funny, right? But why is it wrong?

Looking at the version above: if you place an adverb (well) directly after a verb (looked), then the adverb modifies the verb. But we don’t want to describe a verb – we want to describe a noun (or pronoun), in this case a woman who just came back from vacation.

“She” is a pronoun, and pronouns (which stand in for nouns) are modified with adjectives. Thus the correct sentence fixes our modification problem by replacing the adverb “well” with the adjective “good”.

Incorrect: After she returned from the three-week vacation, she looked very well.

Correct: After she returned from the three-week vacation, she looked very good.


4 years ago
Sensory Verbs

5 years ago
Yo, Tu, El, Nosotros, Vosotros, Ellos. Yo me peino Tu te peinas El se peina Nosotros nos peinamos Vosotros os peináis. Ellos se peinan

A few days ago
Teddy Bear
Touch, feel, smell, taste, hear, etc.