A few days ago

Wats Metrosexual ?

One more word ends with sexual which will give the opposite meaning for metrosexual.

Can anyone send the meanings for both?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A metrosexual is a recently coined word meaning a male that pays extraordinary attention to their appearance as in using lotions and gels on his face and body and hair and taking alot of time with clothes and getting ready for outings. I don’t know what other word ending in sexual your talking about though, I’m sorry.

A few days ago
The metro- (city) prefix indicates this man’s purely urban lifestyle, while the -sexual suffix comes from “homosexual,” meaning that this man, although he is usually straight, embodies the heightened aesthetic sense often associated with certain types of gay men.

The other word is Retrosexual that is a man as the anti-metrosexual

Genuine guys are sometimes known as retrosexuals, to distinguish them from metrosexuals, who are men with the good taste of gay men, only they’re straight. Metrosexuals are scrupulous about their grooming and are great consumers of men’s cosmetic products. They use hair gel. Retrosexuals are scared of hair gel. Some people think that retrosexuals automatically have Neanderthal views about women, but this is not the case. A retrosexual is simply someone who doesn’t know the difference between teal and aqua, and frankly couldn’t give a damn.


A few days ago
Metrosexual is a word describing men who have a strong concern for their aesthetic appearance, and spend a substantial amount of time and money on their images and lifestyles. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the etymology and definition of the word are:

[< metro- (in METROPOLITAN a.) + SEXUAL a., punningly after HETEROSEXUAL a. and n.] n. A man (esp. a heterosexual man) whose lifestyle, spending habits and concern for personal appearance are likened to those considered typical of a fashionable, urban, homosexual man. Debate surrounds the term's use as a theoretical signifier of gender deconstruction and its associations with consumerism. Current gender scholars view metro sexuality as representative of the embracing of relational understanding in addition to its lifestyle and aesthetic implications.


A few days ago
metrosexual is a straight guy who isnt afraid of wanting to look good…he is very stylish, is always clean, well manicured, always smells good…

i think the opposite of metrosexual is retrosexual….


A few days ago
A man that takes care of his appearenceas as much as a woman to look cool. That doesn’t mean he is gay.

The opposite is retrosexual. A man who rejects focus on physical appearance


A few days ago
Vasif Baig
Metrosexual is a straight man who embraces the homosexual lifestyle, i.e. refined tastes in clothing, excessive use of designer hygiene products, etc. Usually is on the brink of homosexuality.

A few days ago
shades of Bruno
Having sex, straight or otherwise, in the Paris underground.