A few days ago

two different words with different meanings join to make a third word with third different meaning?

like break and fast make breakfast

have you some others ?

prepositions not allowed

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Sun day

Crab cakes

Folk lore

Down town

Heart break

Free mason

ab use

with in

Every one

congest ion

finger nail

Toe jam

belly button

Wind breaker

Sub way

cask et


catar act

car pet

ham burger

hand job

dog ma

ant acid

tab lets

ace tone

grape fruit

sham poo

be fore

dry wall

walk about

surf ace

run off

card board

is land

pack age

avail able

trade marks

know ledge

relation ship

with out

con tact


bar tender

ad dress

after life

germ any


A few days ago
Man kind = mankind

Sun stroke = sunstroke

Stake out = stakeout

Spell check = spellcheck

Out sizes = outsizes

Hour glass = hourglass

Wrist watch = wristwatch

Watch cap = watchcap

Tumble dry = tumbledry

In side = inside

Out side = outside

Play ground = playground


4 years ago
in case you recommend in a philosophical sense, as in “is God constantly sturdy”, then i might say confident, there’s a distinction. i might say that God is the source of each thing, not in basic terms the sturdy. It has lots to do alongside with your guy or woman ideals however.

A few days ago
ice + cream = icecream

cup + board = cupboard

card + board = cardboard

black + board = blackboard

is this enough or u need more???!!!!