A few days ago

To understand “ALLURING” meaning, could you please write 2 sentences with that word? Thanks?

also, what would be the difference between “alluring”and “amazing”

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

“Alluring” is that thing which makes an object tempting, and/or attractive:

“The alluring smell of chocolate ruined the Weight-Watchers’ meeting.” (weight-watchers diet a lot; you knew that!)

“The sights and sounds at the racecourse were alluring to the old, retired jockey.”

“Amazing” is different because it means something is very surprising, and you are not necessarily attracted to it.

English is amazing, isn’t it?


A few days ago
This piece of art work is alluring

You are alluring me with food.


A few days ago
Beau D. Satva
Something “alluring” is something that attracts you–“amazing,” not necessarily.