A few days ago

The no I story?

write a few sentances with out using the letter I i.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Here’s a real story (with no letter “i”). ENJOY!

Once upon a …uh …um …let’s just say, “Many, many years ago”, there was a young lass who was named after her lovely golden tresses. One day, as she was on a walk through the forest near her newly constructed home, she came across a small cottage that was home for three bears. The door to the cottage was open just a crack, so she crept closer and slowly pushed the door open some more.

“Hello.”, she called out softly. “Anybody home?” There was no answer. “Hmmm?”, she thought to herself. “Oooooo! The cottage looks so cute. Why, there must be a whole lot more fun past the door.” So, she pushed the door all the way open and entered the front room.

The front room had three comfy La-Z-Boys arranged from largest to smallest. She went to the largest and sat down. “Too hard.”, she deemed. She got up and plopped herself on the second La-Z-Boy and sank way down. “Much too soft.” She declared. Then she went on to the last one, parked herself and cooed, “Aaaaaah! Very comfy.” She pulled the lever to lean back and put up the leg rest when, “CRASH!” The La-Z-Boy was comfy for sure, but too small for her, and became a heap of parts.

“Oh, my!”, she thought as she now saw a second room that had a table and three bowls of oatmeal arranged from large to small. She went to the table and took a taste from the largest bowl. “Too hot!”, she judged. She then took a sample from the bowl that was smaller than the large bowl but larger than the small bowl. “Too cold.”, she thought. At last she ate from the small bowl. “Mmmmm, perfect!” she crowed and ate every last morsel from the small bowl.

After she ate the oatmeal she felt a tad sleepy and could see another room that had three beds. She went to the room and flopped on the largest bed. “Ugh, too, hard.”, she asserted. The second bed was smaller, but “Too soft.”, she soon found. At last she crawled upon the smallest bed and soon began to snooze as she dreamed, “Just the way a good bed should feel!”

Not long after, the three bears came home from the walk they had been on. They found the front door had been pushed fully open, the front room looked ransacked, oatmeal encrusted spoons and bowls were spread across the table, and a loud “SNORT-SNNNNARK-BUH-BUH-BUH-BUH.”, could be heard from the bedroom.

“Daddy,” grumbled Baby Bear shyly. “What has happened to my La-Z-Boy and my oatmeal?!”

“Beats me, son. But, someone appears to be asleep on our beds. You and Mom better stay here. Our ‘guest’ needs to meet ‘Daddy Bear’!!”

Baby Bear clung to Momma Bear’s apron hem as Daddy Bear bounded through the bedroom doorway. “ROOOOOARRRR!!!”, he bellowed loudly. But, no one was there. The beds were messed up and the open shutters allowed a cool breeze to waft past the drapes. As Daddy Bear went to close the shutters he saw a shadowy form run off. All he could make out were golden tresses all aglow from the summer sun.


The golden-tressed creature looked back, spoke not a word, then just sped up and ran over the knoll.

“THANKS FOR YOUR HELP …NOT!”, hollered Daddy Bear. “Pffft! These woods sure have lost a lot for all the development. …Seems everybody just looks out for themselves anymore. Hrmmph! …Ma,” barked Daddy Bear from the bedroom at last, “…Better call 911.”

The End

What, you want me and the rest of us to play the fool – ourselves – all alone? You create a very hard challenge for all of us. But, do you make any effort yourself? Nooooooo! You just watch us all struggle. You laugh and say, “Mwa-ha-ha- ha! The joke’s on you!” Well, as for me, you can just take your crazy nonsense and stuff the whole ball of wax someplace where the sun don’t …glow! (Almost got me.)

How’s that you goofy mutt-face?! Or, do you want some more?

That was fun!

But, no more from me.

Makes me nuts.

Burbles my gray matter and causes spots before my eyes.

Maybe …there’s …no …way …to stop, …now!!!

Aaaaah! What have you done to me!!!


A few days ago
hello, hope you have a wonderful day!

Hope you award me the best answer!

um, what else should one write about?

the task was not easy, so thanks for the lesson.