A few days ago

the message on a coin?

at the rim of a one pound or two pound coin, theres a message, what is the significance of this msg? why is it there?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

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There are several different messages, depending on the date and design of the coin.

The first one-pound coins had the interesting Latin message DECUS ET TUTAMEN meaning “an ornament and a safeguard”. The double meaning is first that the pound coin is a “sovereign”, and our actual sovereign (the Queen) is both an ornament to the country and also a safeguard against its mis-government; and secondly that in old times when the coins were made of real gold or silver, a pattern round their edge was both an ornament to their appearance, and a safeguard against dishonest people taking off tiny clippings to build up into a valuable quantity.