A few days ago
Matt Jillian

subject verb agreement help?

go here…


im confused with rule 8 and rule 9 because they are almost the same. Im confused because how do i know if i’m going to apply rule 8 or 9?

ok here for example. Most of the games is/are scheduled tomorrow. Is or Are? and please explain why. Because in rule 8 it says you make the singular regardless of the object of the preposition whereas in rule 9 it says you should make it agree with the object of the prepo. help im confused =\

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Rule 8 only applies to the words “each, everyone, every one, everybody, anyone, anybody, someone, and somebody.”

Because the above sentence contains “MOST of the games,” you would use “are.”


A few days ago
It would be “Most of the games ARE…” because games is the subject and it is a plural noun, and thus needs a plural verb.

For it to be singular, take out the first 2 words and just say “The game IS scheduled for tomorrow.”


A few days ago
both rules 8 AND 9 are consistent. i understand your confusion. in this example, the verb must agree with the object BUT you must also consider whether this object is COUNTABLE or UNCOUNTABLE. examples:

milk(uncountable, therefore singular) you can’t say “2 milks, 3 milks” etc.

Most of the milk IS located on the top shelf.

guests(countable, therefore plural) you CAN say “2 guests, 3 guests”, etc

Most of the guests ARE already seated.

good luck



A few days ago
The verb must agree with ‘games’ which is plural. So, it is ‘are scheduled’.
