A few days ago
Kevin R

Spelling Words help?

How would you put Uneventful, confirmation, and Nonresistant each in a different sentence?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The security guard was thankful that his long night shift had been uneventful.

Don’t give your social security number over the internet, even though an official looking email asks you for confirmation of your personal data.

The nonresistant edges helped the drawer to glide more smoothly.


A few days ago
The comittee had expected trouble but the meeting was uneventful.

I have received a letter of confirmation regarding my loan application.

I was shocked to realise the new paint in the bathroom is nonresistant to mildew.


A few days ago
The festival day was uneventful.

The Letter of confirmation for the flight tickets came yesterday.

Wood is nonresistant to heat.


A few days ago
I’m guessing you need to use your spelling words in sentences? Because that way you’ll have a better understanding of how to use them, and thus possibly need to know how to spell them??

The reunion was long and uneventful.

I need confirmation that this is the correct spelling of the word.

He was nonresistant when it came to desserts.


A few days ago
“Yesterday was a very UNEVENTFUL day.”

“The airline has emailed me my CONFIRMATION.”

“I am NONRESISTANT to change.” (although I couldn’t find the word in my Mac dictionary).


A few days ago
First you need to get a dictionary (or use an on-line one) and discover what these words mean. Once you know what the definitions are, sentences should be easier to formulate on your own. That, and it will advance your vocabulary AND enhance your learning processes.

A few days ago
How is this spelling words help?