A few days ago

“Spelling is a subject in school.” What are the parts of speech?

Here’s another one for you…

“Spelling is a subject in school.”

I would think that it would go like this:

spelling- subject

is- verb

subject in school- direct object

However, I wanted to ask and see if this is correct.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Are you asking for the parts of speech or the parts of a sentence? The two are slightly different.

Parts of speech:

Spelling = noun

is = verb

a = article

subject = noun

in = preposition

school = noun

Parts of sentence

Subject = Spelling

Verb = is

a subject = predicate nominative (a word that identifies the subject)

in school = adjectival prepositional phrase, with “in” being the preposition and “school” being the object of the preposition, not the direct object


A few days ago
Bob T
We need to understand the difference between action verbs and linking verbs. Here, we have a linking verb. The noun after a linking verb is a predicate nominative. “In school” is a prepostional phrase modifying subject.

The test for distinguishing linking verbs from action verbs is to insert the word “equals” in place of that verb. If the sentence still makes sense, then you have a linking verb.

“Spelling equals subject in school” still makes sense.

“I spelled all the words correctly.” “I” does not equal “all the words”, so you know that “spelled” is active.


4 years ago
Because Obama does consider just like the exotic Mr. Wright! Whites do blacks fallacious the deficient black individual are not able to get anywere on account that imply ole Mr. Whitey is retaining them down. Give me a holiday! Go forward and placed the thumbs down. But, I’m attempted of listening to all of the BS. It’s a crunch and so they have got to placed it away. It begins at residence with the father and mother educating the children to not hate and get a well schooling keep out of gangs and clear of medicines. I labored in public housing and it is like if it used to be well for grandma, mother then it is well ample for me. But it isn’t simply blacks it is deficient whites announcing the equal factor.

A few days ago
subject would probably be the D.O. and in would be the preposition?