A few days ago

Passe Compose Help In French!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In passe compose you take the verb (example esperer = hope) and in this case use avoir. I know the difference in when to use avoir and when to use etre.

So since esperer is an -er verb to conjigated it so it would be in passe compose, you would take off ther -er, leaving you with: esper (the stem).

My question is: Do you form your ending by depeding on the subject (je, tu, il/elle, nous, avez, ils/elles)


its the same for ever subject like :

For -er you always add an “é” no matter what the subject is

For -ir you always add an “i” no matter what the subject is

For -re you always add an “u” no matter what the subject is

is that true??

So using your example is it ok to say :

J’ai espéré

Tu as espéré

Il a espéré

Is that correct to do that???

Also fem. subjects: elle do you have to add an extra “e”?

Elle a espérée ???

For plural subjects Nous, avez, ils/ells do you have to add and “s” ??

Nous avons espérés

Vous avez espérés

Ils on espérés??

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Kim B

Favorite Answer

You are right in that you only use the final e with the accent. With verbs conjugated with avoir in the passe compose, you don’t change the ending of the main verb (the verb in the past tense). You don’t add any extra letters.

A few days ago
In forming the passé composé with verbs that take avoir, the plural forms use the singular past participle. Thus:

j’ai, tu as, il a … fini

nous avons, vous avez, ils ont … fini

In your example, nous avons, vous avez, ils ont … espéré.

Never with the avoir verbs would the past participle agree with the subject. We would never write “elle a esperée.”

However, when the past participle is being used in the passive sense, as a modifier of a noun, it will agree with the noun it modifies. For example:

La naissance d’une fille est tellement esperée par la famille. (Note that esperée is agreeing with naissance; if the family were hoping for a boy the participle would be the same, as in “la naissance d’un fils est tellement esperée par la famille.”

Little note to mademoiselle Kim: it’s easy to install a second language pack. There are several French ones. You’d get all the accents. The right-hand keys on the keyboard would change, you could either make a little map or memorize them or peck around. The change is not permanent, it’s only while you are in the 2nd language mode. After that you flip back to English USA & keyboard goes normal again.

If you have windows or vista, click in control panel on “language & regional options.” This will take you on to choosing a 2nd language pack.

Speaking of French accents, our student here is doing famously well with them ! Mention très bien !