A few days ago

Name for people whose nationality differs from their ethnicity?

Is there an English umbrella term for someone who has a ethnicity that’s different from the country they were born in?

A word that covers people like:

African Americans

Armenian Americans

Mexican Americans, etc

Other languages have terms for them, but what about English?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
brian m

Favorite Answer

Foreign born and non-native are fairly common terms and I think “Foreign born national” would be the official term.

A few days ago
Will B
The correct answer would be invader, but that only covers the first wave, and not the people that they brought as slaves. In the US the first people’s have first rights here, though in world history they are recent immigrants also, and there were four waves of them probably, so what about the last wave?

What about descendants of Romans who live in England? Or that Spanish descendants in Colorado before the English/British discovered and annexed it?

It is the question that is the problem here and the underlying assumptions that anyone, anyone at all, has any good claim to be a native anywhere, probably, except Africa, the genetic home of us all.


A few days ago
native vs non-native

indigenous vs tramontane

aboriginal vs imported

It is sad that culture have such inherent xenophobia; xenophobia is the origin of non-native ethnicities. Of course, behind the concept of culture lurks its inevitable opposite: “the other.” There are whole lists of rude English slang names that refer to non-native groups (limey=british, frog=french, etc…) ; generally these terms rose up in America as each new wave of settlement came to our shores.

Theoretically, all Americans, even those of us whose families have been here for hundreds of years–everyone in fact except the various tribes of American Indians–are of non-indigenous, non-native ethnicities.

By the way, African-American is not a race. It’s a PC word for people with dark skin color that are of African descent. If you called a black guy from Canada or Jamaica an African American, the Canadian would say “I’m Canadian, not American you yank eh?” and the Jamaican would say “I’m Jamaican mon!”

“It is by the fortune of God that, in this country, we have three benefits: freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and the wisdom never to use either.” [Mark Twain]


A few days ago
Yes, in America they are known as “The defendants.”

A few days ago
i think it is listed as other and you are suppose to state what other means.