A few days ago

Lenox china is made with bone ash what is bone ash .?

Lenox china is made with bone ash what is bone ash .?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
♂ ♫ Timberwolf

Favorite Answer

It is the ash left from burning bones. Really. However, there is synthetic bone ash now, but real bone ash is preferred.

A few days ago
Raiveran Rabbit
It is when they burn bones, probably something like whale bones, depending on how old it is, and use that to make the china. It is mixed in with china stone and china clay, and is strong and does not chip easily. It also has a very white colour.

Bone china is that standard today, apparently, and therefore does not likely use whale bones.


A few days ago
The white, powdery calcium phosphate ash of burned bones, used as a fertilizer, in making ceramics, and in cleaning and polishing compounds.