Is it my imagination or can’t americans form simple sentences? And what about their spelling? Come on!!?
Examples: The earth is bigger then the moon.
I going to the grocery store than the video store.
I am american.
Favorite Answer
I think this is due to reliance on the spell check feature of many computer programs, which lets things like “than” replace “then,” because they are both recognized by the machine. Computers also recognize many other words in the wrong place (“well” for “will,” “don’t” in a double negative, etc.) which then fill papers with errors.
Again, the machines will let recognized words go by without capitalization if there is any instance at all where it can be accepted as such.
Students and other writers must learn to proofread their work, not just rely on a machine.
The poor sentences are also due to sloppy writing, because few take the time to reread, much less look up the meaning and even etymology of a word in order to know it in full. There has been poor training with regard to writing, especially in the lower levels.
I believe this is due to over-crowding in classrooms and low pay for teachers, two things which have lead to the “dumbing down” of written English and probably spoken English as well.
Votes for better schooling are often hidden in the wording I call ‘ballot-speak’ for other agendas, and so are read without proper understanding (as are many of the increasingly convoluted measures on a ballot) and are then not properly voted on to represent the people’s wishes.
PS. I’m sure you already know that your examples needed work as well. (small lol) ;-}
I hope you get better someday!
Is it my imagination or can’t Americans form simple sentences?
Is it my imagination or Americans can’t form simple sentences?
The proper noun, “Americans” should be capitalized.
Case closed.
No nationality is perfect. Accept it.
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