A few days ago

If a person was sentence to eight yrs, and seven yrs con-corrent, how many years do they serve?

If a person was sentence to eight yrs, and seven yrs con-corrent, how many years do they serve?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

If the sentences were to be served concurrently, then they run at the same time, so his total time to serve-if he served day for day-would be 8 years. In most states, he could be eligible for parole, depending on the crime, and his in prison behavior. This would allow him to get out before the 8 years.

A few days ago
Basil M
Seems like everyone here knows their criminal law. I would define concurrent but it has been done. I will add that a maximum of 8 years means 8 years max, and if the person is well behaved, does not fall victim to the junk on the inside (ie gang affiliation, fights, etc..) they can be out in as little as 3-4 years. Also, they can earn time off if they are privy to information that the law wants, but I do not recommend this.

So in short, it means 8 years max, but remember – the prison system in the US is corrupt. Prisons receive a certain amount of money per day for each head they have. It is the goal of the prison to catch people doing wrong so they can extend the sentence by adding new charges.

Take it from someone who has spent time inside. There are a thousand landmines in every prison waiting to blow up – each one is living and breathing. The only way to survive is to show respect but also show no fear. The person being incarcerated may find themselves in a “tussle” right off the bat, but it is a necessary evil. I know when I went in I spent the first 90 days in isolation for fighting, but it was fight or die, so I did what I had to do. People have glorified prison as a sort of urban career school. Young people get sentenced to 5-10 years, spend 2-5 years locked up, then evolve as a highly skilled criminals. This is a complete myth. If the folks behind bars were so good at being criminals, they would not be behind bars. The only thing our prison system produces is revolving door criminals. People spend so much time locked up that it becomes a lifestyle. I mean, you can get anything inside that you can on the streets, and the food is not that bad, it is better than starving. If someone is a loner they could live quite comfortably in prison – no rent, utilities, or cable bill, and no responsibility for anything but yourself. It is a sad but easy existence.

If you or someone you know is facing 8 years, just remember this – the prison system likes to create christians. Get involved the prison church group that best fits. This will help to shorten the time served. Parole board hearings are b/s for the most part, but the more good stuff you can achieve the better. If a parole board sees someone on the inside trying everything they can to better themselves they will release the person much sooner. Overcrowding is a big problem. and the states are looking for ways to reduce the prison population (or force the local government to build new prisons, but it is cheaper to let folks out early. Again it is all about money.

To sum it up, just stay aware of your surroundings at all times, be respectful to everyone, and establish yourself as someone to leave alone. It is not hard – like they say, it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the fight in the dog. Don’t let anyone disrespect you. It is the worst possible thing you can do. If you do not earn respect, you will be someone’s woman.


A few days ago
They run the sentences at the same time for seperate crimes. So they serve 8 yers.

The first seven years will be being served for two crimes simultaneously.

So, after seven years have passed the debt is paid on one charge …. with only one year left on the other crime.


A few days ago
8 years, the 7 runs concurrent which means “at the same time”. but, with overcrowding and lack of funding, the person can be out in 2-3 years with good behaviour unless the judge ordered it to be a fixed sentence.

A few days ago
8 years max.