A few days ago

Humorous idioms regarding beating someone up?

I know, such a cheery question.

But I was looking for a quote for something I’m writing and I’m trying to find one that’s funny. I know there’re a lot out there.

Basically, what I’m looking for is something similar to… well, to quote the one I can think of off the top of my head from the Disney film Mulan…

“I’m gonna hit you so hard, it’ll make your ancestors dizzy.”

Similar formula, having to do with beating someone up so thoroughly that [insert funny consequence here].

Most humorous in my humble opinion gets the 10.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

“I’ll hit you so hard, you’ll be able to watch yourself wipe!”

“It’ll be a three hit fight: I hit you, you hit the ground, and the hearse hits 25 mph.”


4 years ago
Witty Idioms

A few days ago
Of course there is an unlimited supply of violent catch-phrases on the playgrounds across america, but here’s what i came up with:

just give me the answers, larry, or you’ll be breathing out your ears!

remind me to kill you later, ok

I’m gonna slap you into next tuesday!

yo mama! *punch*

when i’m through with you your gonna be so messed up that when you cross the street you can look both ways at once.

im gonna thrash you so hard, the good samaritan would keep on walkin’!

I’m gonna beat you harder than a step-headed red child!

i’ll strangle you to death, bury you alive, and then clone you and kill all your clones!

your cruisin for a bruisin

cut that out, or your gettin a one-way ticket to unconcious!

any more of that, and your gonna have a blasting zone for a head!

i am gonna hit you so hard, they’ll have to put out an APB on your brains!

i’m gonna beat you so bad, they’ll have to scrape you off the ground with a butter knife!

thats all i got, not much, but you can expand some stuff, work with it!

good luck!


A few days ago
My recent favourite was: “I’m gonna kick his ***, and then I’m gonna re-enact kicking his ***.”

Other idioms:

knock his block off, bitchslap him, knock him into next week, gonna hurt him so bad it’ll hurt his whole family, knock his lights out, kiss him upside the cranium with an aluminum baseball bat, wipe that smile off his face, beat/kick the sh*t out of him, pummel him to a pulp, whip his ***, lay the smack down, rearrange his face, open up a can of whoop ***, take him out to the woodshed, beat him like a red headed stepchild, beat him like a drum, knock him out, break his face


A few days ago
Dick J
“I’m gonna beat you like you stole God’s suppa.”

A few days ago
∂ίятУ ℓάυиḋгÿ
When I come around, you better guard your grill !

4 years ago
“Imma knock the silly outta you *****”