A few days ago

Grammar help please?

Across the river is the little Iowa town of West Glen its population is only 500.

I have to label subject, verb or verb phrase, and correct run-ons.

Run-on correction:

Across the river is the little Iowa town of West Glen. Its population is only 500.

The verb would be: is

Subject: i’m not real sure

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

the subject is town . The verb is is.

The words little and Iowa are, in this case, adjectives describing where and how big the TOWN

A town, across the river in West Glen Iowa, has a population of only 500 people.

In this case the subject is town, and the verb is has.


A few days ago
Rephrase the sentence as “The little Iowa town of West Glen is across the river.” and the subject is clearly ‘town’. ‘little’ and ‘Iowa’ and ‘of West Glen’ all qualify the noun ‘town’, so they are adjectives and an adjectival phrase, respectively.

‘Subject’ doesn’t mean what the sentence is talking about. Technically it is “the thing that does the action of the verb” (in the case of an active verb.) The verb ‘to be’ is somewhat difficult to think of in terms of a ‘doing’ word but the town is, nevertheless, ‘being’ “across the river”, so it is ‘the town’ which is the subject. There is no object, as such, in this case. Some people would define ‘subject’ as ‘the little Iowa town of West Glen’ but this is not really correct. ‘Town’ is the true subject and the other things merely serve to qualify or define it.

The sentence is equivalent to “The sun is hot” or “The tower is high”. The part following the verb merely describes or defines the subject, so it is adjectival.


A few days ago
Run-on correction:

Across the river is the little Iowa town of West Glen, and it’s population is only 500.

subject: West Glen.

verb or verb phrase: none


A few days ago
Rick R
“the little Iowa town of West Glen “< this is the subject of the sentence

A few days ago
Stan The Man
West Glen is the subject. “little” and “Iowa Town” are both adjectives that describe West Glen. In the second sentance, “It” refers to the subject “West Glen”.

A few days ago
subject is ” the town of west glen’ cuz the sentence is talking about the location, size and population

A few days ago
Hall + Oates
the subject would be the little iowa town of west glen…wouldn’t it?

A few days ago
Subject: Iowa Town

Verb: is

The way you fixed the run-on is correct.


A few days ago
The little town