A few days ago

good evening can any one tell me what a gramatical hiphon is on the keyboard or what it looks like?

i need to know what it is for work can any one please help? thanx

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A hyphen is this: –

It’s to the right of zero on the keyboard.



A few days ago
good evening to you too.

As already stated,; to the right of the ZERO key;

this – is the HYPHEN;

and this _ is the UNDERSCORE.

Both are on the same key.

To get to the UNDERSCORE you have to use the SHIFT KEY to get to it.

The HYPHEN can be used simply by reaching with your right pinky finger or whatever fingers you use to press that key.

You can also find the MINUS KEY on the NUMBER PAD useful as a HYPHEN when typing things like: we got snowfalls ranging from 1-30 inches last year.

You might want to try getting a typing tutor to help with memorizing the keyboard.

There are many FREEWARE, SHAREWARE and on-line too that you can choose from on this website.



A few days ago
Good evening. Yes the hyphen is next to the zero and it can also be called a dash.

A few days ago