A few days ago
Armond B

give me one time you have legitimately used the word Xanthous ever.?

this is a follow up to my previous question of “information we can’t use being a waste of time and energy.” Ok so if your arguments are correct then there is a time and place to use the word Xanthous. According to the college websters dictionary the only meaning for xanthous is that its another word for yellow or yellowish. give me one time other than a spelling bee when you legitimately used the word xanthous instead of yellow. personally I have never ever heard the word ever used in a sentense or used in a book. oh and it has to be from real life. no hypothetical situations count

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Two minutes after I read your question. I showed my 9-year old daughter on her way to school today your question and said, “Here’s another word for yellow, xanthous.” She asked how it’s read, and I said I don’t know I’d look it up.

By the way, it’s underlined in red. Is the spelling correct?

Thanks for the new word!


A few days ago
I never like to use the same descriptive word twice when I write. It can be very noticible. So, say I’m writing about types of flowers that all happen to be yellow. One type would be yellow, another variety might look just like butter, another would be as deep as a overripe lemon, and one would be xanthous.

There you are. A legitimate reason for the word xanthous.

Variety is the spice of life!


A few days ago
I have never used the word xanthous in my life until this sentence, nor have I ever heard anyone use this word.

Perhaps in an anthropology class that i slept though? LOL


A few days ago
Here is my first and last time: People who use the word xanthous in ordinary human discourse tend to be a bit off center.

A few days ago
Being an amature photographer I am much interested in the particulars of the photos that you will be able to see on the website listed at the bottom of this paragraph. I find XANTHOUS pictures to be quite fascinating and beautiful. I also have an ASIAN wife who has XANTHOUS skin. http://www.inmagine.com/searchterms/xanthous.html

A few days ago
It might come in very useful when writing poetry. Much more poetic than “yellow.”

It never hurts to know more words.


A few days ago
I have never heard, used or seen that word written until I just saw it in your question.

A few days ago
In scientific writing, it is a much more precise word to use to describe the color of something…such as mucus or pollen.

A few days ago
I have never used the word “xanthous”. Now I have.

A few days ago
In answering a cryptic crossword clue…so I didn’t say the word (not sure how to pronounce it!)….only wrote it….and it was correct!