A few days ago

fun quiz =]]?

1,Name six games ending with -ball.

2, Name 10 fruits ending with the letter P

3,Name four illnesses ending in -Itis.

4,Name sic symbols or superstitionn for bad luck

5 name six symbols or superstiotion that stands for GOOD luck

6, name six mother goose rhymes that begins with the same word or words repeated (such as, mary,mary,quite contrary)

Haha me and my friends did it! its SUPER hard xD

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1. football, baseball, basketball, volleyball, racketball, tetherball, bocceball, pinball, dodgeball

2. soursop, rosehip, sweetsop

start w/ p=plum, pear, peach, pineapple, papaya, pomegranate, passion fruit, prune, persimmon, paw paw, pummelo

3. colitis, arthritis, sinusitis, dermatitis, keratitis

4. open umbrella indoors, Friday the 13th, walking under a ladder, black cats, spilling salt, breaking a mirror, bat flying into your house

5. crossed fingers, knock on wood, 4-leaf clover, find a penny, rabbits foot, ladybug on you, saying ‘God bless you’ when someone sneezes

6. “Three blind mice”, “Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold”

“Pussycat-pussycat”, “Humpty dumpty”, “This Little Pig”, “To Market, to market to buy a fat pig”


A few days ago
1. Basketball, volleyball, hand ball, kick ball, baseball, tether ball

2. That end with p?? I can’t even think of 1!

3. bronchitis, meningitis, hepatitis, sinusitis

4. opening umbrella in the house, breaking a mirror, walking

under a ladder, black cat crossing your path, Friday the 13th, seeing the Bride in her dress before the wedding

5. Rain on the wedding day, finding a penny heads up, four leaf clover, horse shoes (bottom down), crossing your fingers, rabbits foot… and there’s another one with eyelashes.

6. Peter Peter (pumpkin eater), Baa baa (black sheep), pat a cake pat a cake, to market to market (to buy a fat pig), pussy cat pussy cat (where have you been)… and…. (hey) diddle diddle…

Ok, that last one was stretching it…