A few days ago

Editing suggestions…10pts best answer???

What can i add to make this longer and stronger? any suggestions or examples???

Dear Dr. Strogin,

it was pleasure to be amongst the many students in your introduction to Psychology course this past spring semester. You have proven to be one of my favorite instructors.

Your class Dr.Strogin conforms to the mission statement on the basis in which you exemplify quality instruction daily and also by providing opportunities to each student to develop in a range of areas.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Dear Dr. Strogin,

It was a pleasure to be amongst the many students in your Introduction to Psychology course this past spring semester. I would like you to know that you have become one of my favorite instructors.

I believe that your class conforms to the mission statement of the school (?) by the manner in which you exemplify quality instruction on a daily basis and by providing opportunities for each student to develop in a range of areas.


A few days ago
Ditch all of it. It is wordy and tried too hard to sound smart. Try this instead:

Dr Strogin

Thank you for an excellent class this past spring semester. It was a great experience with a great teacher. For me, it was an opportunity to learn about a topic that I only had passing knowledge about – your method of teaching and your engaging personality motivated me to learn more about a fascinating topic than I ever thought I would.

