A few days ago

Does anyone else notice this with them self?

I am not the spelling bee champ by any means and I also make my share of typos when typing, But I have notice latley that I mispell alot of words while typing that I know how to spell

one of my examples is speech. I know it is spelled with two e’s but every time I type it I spell it speach and have to correct it when I review my answer. I catch it right away and I change it I just find it weird that I always mispell it.

Anyone else do this and if so what word do you do it with.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

sometimes, usually with because; I spell it “becuase”, but watch out, you mis-spelled “lately” wrong. you spelled it “latley”

Tut tut, lol!



A few days ago
good question
actually, I have begun to mispell alot of words. I have always been very accurate in speelling, but my wife who never was as acurate as I says it may be medication I have been taking, or that I don’t read enough. I read all the time, but mostly historical manuscripts that I concentrate only on the contents. She reads short articles of common interest as well as fictional reading. She says the shorter articles have helped her tremendously. She also works alot of crossword puzzles. I am not going to use the spell check on this answer, since it is dealing with mispelled words. I hope these suggestions help.

A few days ago
I didn’t have the same problem until now. I am taking typing class and I think that is because this is happening to me. The problem you have right now will get fixed in a matter or days, if you try typing word more than five times you’ll notice you’ll make the same mistake at least twice, but then you’ll get it, the word i am always mistaken in is ” because”.

Your problem might be because you are tense , or nervous, otherwise it may be that your fingers are somehow tired, when you type a lot dairy, and you are not used to it this may happen.


A few days ago
hello Geoff

you see the dyslexia makes you spell the same words incorrectly, I have a same problem, so I have to watch every time the keyboard what I am writing, and that makes my writing so slow, this is a difficult problem while talking in the mgs. Seeing helps me a lot of spelling foreign languages, and then I check those words every time in the dictionary, and then learn how to spell. Blessings. Aila


A few days ago
The brain is an amazing organ isn’t it? What happens to you happens to a lot of people, that they would absentmindedly write a word wrong, and then recognize the mistake and correct it, sometimes that happens to a word that you know how to spell but mistake it for a more commonly used one, it also happens to people who’s primary language is not English, or people that are bilingual, (like me)

Note: you wrote them self instead of themselves, that’s a good example.


A few days ago
i do its the word: because. ever since a spelling test in 2nd grade I promised myself I would never mispell because again. (although that hasn’t worked out so well… heh) And believe it or not I’ve made runner-up in my district’s spelling bee! lmao

A few days ago
I do that all the time ! With pretty much every word . I’m terrible with spelling things wrong when I type them.

I’m usually a pretty good speller .


A few days ago
I misspell things all the time, even though I know the correct spelling. I think my brain works faster then my hands. LOL!

A few days ago
I do something similar, in that every time I try to type ‘possibly’ in a sentence, I write it as ‘possible’ and have to go back and change it.

Well not this time. I was thinking too much!


A few days ago
rick s
ima figerin u beins part aksent and sumtin to do wit havins two much tiem onya hands ta b askin all dem queschins. I had da same thang uins got but went to da doc . e said dats what it wuz now im a tie pin foo. e ad some news tho, toad me I wuz bi polar. I thout e was callin me a gay eskimo so i kiked his ***. i meen bi any damn thang be fightin werds wear im frum

A few days ago
I know how to spell tomorrow but now a days I am misspelling it a lot