A few days ago

Do you think the word “piss” is considered to be profane?

My husband says its just a regular word that you can use anywhere at anytime………

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

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As one of the classic 7 you can never say on television, it is at least profane if not obscene.

A few days ago
Do you mean the f**k word?

Well it started out not being a word but really an acronym. Used in British courts when prostitues were arrested and charged and sentenced





Instead of writing it out in full the first letters of the words were used. Hence the word.

They usually dealt with several prostitutes at a time in the court and so the short form was faster than the full version. That also is the reason for the attached prohibition on the words usage as it related to prostitution and things ppl did not talk about back then.

Remember that prostitues performed some things that were illegal (some still technically are) and were not mentioned and so the above uncommon part.


4 years ago
It relies upon on the way it relatively is used. like the observe” *****(might desire to avert the censors) it has a nonprofane which skill. in case you employ it in connection with a girl canines this is not profane. Yahoo won’t permit you employ it in any context. Bastard is slightly arhaic in its unique which skill. Being born out of wedlock isn’t the social shame it as quickly as substitute into. it relatively is a minor point swear observe. i think of there is even a hip hop group talked approximately as the “impressive Bastards.”

A few days ago
Profanity is fairly open ended these days. It’s just a word that borders on acceptance, depending in what company you are. It’s fine at the bar with buddies, but you don’t use it at the Family Thanksgiving table. That would also depend on your family, I suppose.

A few days ago
Jeffrey L
I’d consider piss to be vulgar, maybe, but not obscene. In other words, I’d try not to use it personally in front of kids, but I wouldn’t care much if my daughter heard it. Certainly not on the same level as other four letter words.

Regarding the F.U.C.K. acronym, that’s most likely an urban legend. The Meriam Webster etymology has it listed as “akin to Dutch fokken to breed (cattle), Swedish dialect fókka to copulate”


A few days ago
Sue C
Not profane as in some of the “other” language, but myself, I do not talk like that & feel a lower class of people have to use language like that. I wouldn’t talk like that in front of my children, parents, or anyone for that matter. There’s no reason to use other slang words in place of using the correct words. To me, it just lowers my opinion of a person when I hear them use words like that when they know darn rite well it could be offensive to others. Again, I do unto others!

A few days ago
Dan Bueno
It is considered by most to be profane as it is on of the “Words you can’t say on TV.” as documented by George Carlin. He has since increased his list to infinity.

A few days ago
eh… it actually depends on his use of it… see the entymology below:

piss (v.)

c.1290, from O.Fr. pissier “urinate” (12c.), from V.L. *pissiare, of imitative origin. As a pure intensifier (cf. piss-poor, piss-ugly, etc.) it dates from World War II. Pissed off “angry, fed up” is 1946, U.S. slang. To piss off “go away” is attested from 1958, chiefly British. Piss and vinegar first attested 1942. Piss-prophet “one who diagnosed diseases by inspection of urine” is attested from 1625. Piss proud “erect upon awakening” is attested from 1796.

If he is strictly using it to say he went to the bathroom to piss, then it’s not so much an obscenity as it is just too much information.


A few days ago
Not everywhere at anytime. Although I can see myself running out of church yelling “Let’s Get Pissed”

Pissed meaning drunk that is.


A few days ago
If you can say it without feeling sheepish or weirded out in front of

a. your mom

b. your grandmother

c. your kids

d. your boss

e. your god

then it isn’t profane :p