A few days ago

Compatibilism? what is it?

Can someone explain compatibilism simply (not in text book language)? So I can truly (& easily) understand…

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Assuming this is related to theology. You know how some people say that God gives us free will to determine our own eternal fate, and some faiths believe in predestination (God is all powerful , all knowing, etc. and our eternal fate is already decided by God when we are created).

Well compatibilism combines the two. It says that God gave us free will and therefore our decisions in life are made based on what we want, need, desire. But it also says that God can shape those desires as He sees fit. That He can give us leading and opportunity to make the right decisions, but ultimately He has left it up to our free will to actually do so.

Kind of simplistic, but hope it helps.


A few days ago
mel s
It is not a word. Try it on any web dictionary site, and it doesn’t come up… Just tried!!!

A few days ago
kahlan nynaeve®
do you mean compatibility?