Can you use any of these words in a sentence?
i would apprectiate all 10 words in 1 sentence each! thanks
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These civil servants seem to deliberately circumvent the issues at hand to avoid commitment.
If, for example, politicians are asked about the the effects of the use of pesticide in modern agriculture, they will often try to change the subject.
Homicide is frequently an issue of contention, especially when commited during war.
Those who advocate the continuance of current US involvement in Iraq are prone to commiting political suicide.
Fratricide, on the other hand, is less common, perhaps the most famous example of which occurred between Cain and Abel.
Poltical circumlocution is often exemplifed through the use of verbose and disjointed rhetoric.
It would be far more refreshing to hear a politician clearly verbalize his or her agenda.
You can quote these examples verbatim – without any royalties.
Physicians are now more circumspect about recommending its use
I’m not sure of the procedural merit of a judge circumventing a jury’s sentence, but I certainly like his approach
It is illegal to spray unapproved pesticide.
Dutch doctor who was jailed for culpable homicide has his sentence cut.
When Jonny killed himself, he committed suicide.
The End Begins With Bitter Fratricide at Trial.
English is downright verbose in its sentence structure and descriptive methods.
When the music was eliminated completely, the child was able to verbalize the entire sentence in response to the questions.
On verbatim account, when doc dictates a number at the beginning of a sentence how do you handle it?
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