A few days ago

Can someone please settle an argument?

It’s a bit stupid but my daughter who is 11 yrs old told me that I was saying EMOTICONS incorrectly. I pronouce it EMOT ICONS, but she says it’s pronouced EMOTIONS, she also informs me that I can’t spell properly and that the C in EMOTICONS is silent? AAAAAHHHHHH what the??????

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
H.L. Berry

Favorite Answer

You’re right. She’s wrong. Both Ask Oxford and Wikipedia are on your side.



A few days ago
emotions related to feeling is written without c, check the dictionary to find which u word u mean and tell her, that is fine if i make spelling mistakes u can correct ur work now if needed on net, tell her i cannot spell but u cannot cook as well

A few days ago
it is pronounced “emoti-cons”…

and the C in their is not silent…

just tell it to her in a nice way.. maybe she was just pretending that she knows the right pronounciation…

just understand her ways, she is just 11 and you’re the mother…


A few days ago
Pedantic Scorpion
It’s “emoti-cons”, i.e not icons. but it does derive from emotional icons. Tell her Mother knows best!!!!!

A few days ago
Tim E
I agree with you Mom but kids have their own take on every thing so in her crowd, she may be right too.

A few days ago
there smileys